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It is difficult to gain a deep perspective of what is happening in Mexico due to the dangers that journalists face. A great deal of this is the presence of drug cartels seeking to silence media coverage. Media coverage of the violence and injustice that surrounds the drug cartel in Mexico is therefore difficult to encounter due to the threat that journalists face. Thus it is difficult to gauge from Mexican media what the cause of migration may be, but based on this information it is clear that drug related violence is central (Refworld).


Therefore, based on the aforementioned information, a great deal of migration to the United States from Mexico is centered around organized, transnational, criminal armed groups, as well as gang-related violence (IDMC). As of December 2014, at least 281,400 people were internally displaced within Mexico, which is an issue just as significant to the issue of refugees (IDMC). On the border, Ciudad Juárez has experienced 220,000 people fleeing their homes over three years as a result of drug related violence. A great deal of this displacement occurs internally as mentioned before, but a significant number of Mexican migrants come to the United States as well. While migration from Mexico has decreased substantially in the past decade, the primary origin country of immigrants to the United States is Mexico, which is also the number one migrant country of origin in the world (IOM). Notable is the amount of unaccompanied children that arrive in the United States that are displaced by violence. Overall, it is drug cartel related violence that is causing many Mexican people to flee to the United States and elsewhere in search of safety.


Image by Daniel Berehulak for the New York Times

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